The Science and Faith in the Second City Project in Birmingham is organising a one-day workshop for Christian leaders on the theme of ‘Faith and Science in the local church’. This workshop is in collaboration with the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge and some of the speakers are on the staff of the Faraday Institute. The workshop will include talks and discussion on the following broad themes:
- God and Science – stimulating worship, enhancing faith,
- Exploring Science and Faith with Children and Young People,
- Environmental issues and Climate Change – what should we be doing in the local church?,
- Medical Dilemmas at the End of Life,
- Stars and Life – Being a scientist and a Christian,
- Creation and Evolution – Do we have to choose?
Speakers: Prof Raphael Hirschi, Astrophysicist, University of Keele; Steph Bryant, Faraday Youth & Schools Programme Co-Director; Dr Mark Attah, GP; Prof Hugh Rollinson, Geochemist; Dr Ruth Bancewicz, Faraday Church Engagement Director.
The workshop is for lay/ ordained and small group leaders from any denominational background.
Tuesday 18th October 2022, from 9.30-4.30, at Second City Church, Broad Street, Birmingham. Lunch will be provided. This is an in-person event and will not be livestreamed.
Places are £25 per person (free for churches supporting the project).
To book and for further details of the programme and speakers go to, or contact