August 26, 2022 - August 29, 2022

Steph Bryant, Chris Oldfield, Dr Ruth Bancewicz, Prof. Tom McLeish FRS, Dr Brandon Vaidyanathan, Hannah Malcolm

This year at Greenbelt, the Faraday Institute will run three events on Monday 29th August.

The Selfish Green? a panel chaired by Chris Oldfield, and featuring Hannah Malcolm, Timothy Howles and Mazviita Chirimuuta. ‘More science and more technology are not going to get us out of the present ecologic crisis until we find a new religion, or rethink our old one.’ So wrote Lynn White in 1967. Our panel will explore the religious roots of the Anthropocene, and the paradox of human self-interest in the face of ecological collapse.

Science, Awe and Spirituality, a panel chaired by Ruth Bancewicz, and featuring Brandon Vaidyanathan, Tom McLeish and Fionagh Thomson. Scientists feel awe at the vastness of intergalactic space, the complexity of living things, or when data fit together and make sense in an unexpected way. But how do they process these experiences? Brandon Vaidyanathan recently conducted a survey of scientists around the world, capturing something of how they value and respond to beauty, awe and wonder. Our panel will discuss the results, and also share their own experiences of awe in science and where they take us from a spiritual point of view.

What can we actually do about climate change? – a talk for youth by Steph Bryant. When we look at big issues like climate change and environmental problems it’s easy to feel hopeless, anxious or completely overwhelmed. We want to help, but we might not always know what we can actually do to make a difference for the world. Join Steph as she unpacks some great ways to love the planet really well and have fun at the same time!

Richard Dawkins also features on the lineup for Monday 29th, so it should be an interesting day!