February 15, 2023 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Dr Ruth Bancewicz, Cara Parrett, Dr Mark Attah

This workshop is for all Christian leaders who are interested in helping Christians engage with Science and their faith, and is held in partnership with Chester Cathedral who will be hosting the Gaia exhibition.

Cost: £30 including refreshments.


Dr Ruth Bancewicz (Faraday Church Engagement Director)

    • God and Science : Stimulating worship, enhancing faith.

Cara Parrett (Faraday Youth and Schools Programme Officer and Researcher)

    • Challenges and opportunities: How exploring science and faith with children and young people can help

Revd Dr Stefan Collier (St James’ Christleton)

    • Being a scientist and a Christian. “I have enjoyed careers as both an astrophysicist and nuclear physicist. During this time, I researched Active Galactic Nuclei and sought to better understand nuclear fission and fusion processes. I am currently serving as Rector of Christleton, a semi rural community on the outskirts of Chester.”

Dr Mark Attah (GP, Cambridgeshire)

    • Medical Dilemmas at the End of Life

Bookings at https://chestercathedral.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173633485