ABC² – Brazilian Association of Christians in Science – offers an unprecedented event to talk once again about the relationship between faith and science.
The current global crisis of COVID-19 has explained how central to the Church’s testimony is an adequate understanding of the authority of science, the place of Christian and scientific values, and the adequate response that Christians must present in the face of the crisis.
– How should I position myself in the face of the debate between the authority of science and the authority of religion?
– Is it true that Christianity gave birth to modern science?
– What to do when the Bible says one thing and science says another?
– What are the limits of scientific knowledge?
– Is theology science? If not, what is it?
– What is the origin of science?
– Is it true that Christianity gave birth to modern science?
– What to do when the Bible says one thing and science says another?
– What are the limits of scientific knowledge?
– Is theology science? If not, what is it?
– What is the origin of science?
These and many other questions will be addressed at this event 100% online.
Ruth Bancewicz will speak on ‘God in the Lab’. Abstract: Scientific research first hand brings a sense of awe that enhances faith… Science can be unglamorous and tough, but it gives the opportunity to use creativity and imagination, to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and to experience the joy of finding out new things – thinking God’s thoughts after him. Through the eyes of the author and six other experienced scientists, God in the Lab shows how science can build faith in God.
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