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Are you looking for an introductory level series of sessions on science and Christianity for your small group? This material was produced by the Faraday Institute Church Engagement programme in partnership with UCCF. It follows a simple format, and provides Bible passages, videos and discussion questions.

This six-session series is freely available online. Each session should take around an hour. Although the material was originally developed for science students, it can easily be tailored for other adults with slight alterations to the wording to include others who are interested in science, and want to support scientists and draw friends, family and colleagues into fruitful discussions about science and faith.

Series outline

  1. Theology of science
    How do Christians in the sciences experience God in their work? How do awe and wonder at the created order feed into our faith? What would a basic theology of science look like?
  2. Myth busting
    Science vs religion, God of the gaps, scientific proof for God… What are some of the pitfalls for us as we seek to engage with science, and how can we effectively steer around them?
  3. Creation and evolution
    Where is creation mentioned in the Bible? How do Christians interpret Genesis 1? What common ground do we have, and how can we address this topic in a way that’s helpful to non-Christians? One session can’t answer all our questions, but it can equip us to explore and discuss creation in a healthy way.
  4. Ethics
    Explore some of the issues raised by the application of scientific knowledge. What does it mean to be made in the image of God? What biblical principles can we draw on when tackling ethical issues? We will then put these tools into use with an ethical case study.
  5. Science as worship 
    An opportunity to think more broadly about how we can encourage each other to serve God through science.
  6. Movie night!
    Invite your friends and colleagues to watch a thought-provoking film and discuss it together to spark conversations about Jesus.

For more information and the full session notes and videos, go to