cecilevanmeensel, Pixabay

Andrew Wilson is the teaching pastor at a Newfrontiers church in London. He is a well-respected voice in the evangelical world, a deep thinker, excellent communicator, author of a growing number of books, and one of the key people behind the blog Think Theology. Some years ago Andrew spent some serious time exploring the topic of creation and evolution, writing up his thoughts and findings in a series of posts that I followed with great interest.

I appreciate Andrew’s approach because he takes a very rigorous and honest look at the Bible, lays out his ideas in a logical sequence, and sets out the pros and cons of each view. He exposes some of the most common misconceptions in this area and points out some tough Biblical conundrums for those who would use the Bible in order to reject science. I don’t agree with all his conclusions, but life would be boring (and we probably wouldn’t be thinking hard enough) if we all agreed with each other! I would recommend these posts to anyone who wants to explore this topic in depth and has tough questions to answer, but not a lot of time to spare.

Creation and Science: Ten Models

Was there Death Before the Fall?

Creation and Science: The Key Areas of Conflict

Creation and Science: How Do We Read Genesis 1-3?

Creation and Science: The Primary Scientific Considerations

What the Bible Does (And Doesn’t) Say About Human Origins

Science and Creation: Some Tentative Conclusions