© DragonLight Films

This series of short (12-15 minute) films explores a number of questions raised by Artificial Intelligence. They were created by the former Faraday Institute Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr Beth Singler, in collaboration with DragonLight films. Using interview footage interspersed with clips from well-known movies and footage of a friendly robot hoover, the films are entertaining as well as extremely thought-provoking, and would be a good starter for a discussion group.

Pain in the Machine looks at the questions of whether robots should feel pain.

Friend in the Machine asks, will Artificial Intelligence ever be a substitute for a human companion?

Good in the Machine explores the question of what ethical uses of AI would look like, and whether AI itself can be made ‘good’?

Ghost in the Machine asks what is consciousness, can AI can ever achieve consciousness – and what would that mean for society?


For more details, listen to this interview with Beth Singler.