Revd Dave Bookless is Director of Theology for A Rocha International ( A Rocha is an international Christian organisation engaging in scientific research, environmental education and community-based conservation projects across six continents. He is also studying for a part-time PhD under Professor David Ford in the Divinity Faculty at Cambridge University, exploring a theological understanding of biodiversity conservation. Rev Bookless was born in India and his first degree was in Modern History (1983) at Jesus College Cambridge (specialising in Gandhian politics). He stayed in Cambridge to complete a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, specialising in multifaith Religious Education, before teaching and then becoming Lecturer in Christianity as a World Religion for Bradford’s Interfaith Education Centre. From 1988-1991 he trained for ordination at Trinity College, Bristol, where he completed a Dip. HE in Theology and an MA in Church, Religion and Society 1780-1914. He was ordained in 1991, serving as curate at St John’s Southall before becoming Priest-in-Charge of St George’s Southall, where he remained until 2000. In 2001 he left full-time parish ministry to set-up A Rocha UK. He was National Director until 2008 before focusing on writing and theological education, and in 2011 moved to his current role with A Rocha International. During his time with A Rocha UK, the Rev Bookless served on various bodies including the Church of England’s Mission and Public Affairs Council and its ‘Shrinking the Footprint’ steering group, and as Moderator of the Environmental Issues Network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. Rev Bookless has written and spoken widely, his books including ‘Planetwise: Dare to Care for God’s World’ (IVP 2008) and ‘God Doesn’t do Waste’ (IVP 2010). He is married to Anne and they have four daughters. His academic interests include a theology of place; the interface between theology, economics and ecological sustainability; and the implications of biblical environmentalism for missiology and ecclesiology.
Selected Recent Science and Religion Publications:
- Bookless, D. J .C. (2010), Environment and Leadership, in Ande, Titre (ed.) International Study Guide 43: A Guide to Leadership, London: SPCK
- Bookless, Dave (2010), God Doesn’t do Waste: Redeeming the Whole of Life, Nottingham: IVP
- Bookless, David (2009), A Famine of Hope: Christian Mission and the search for a Sustainable Future, in Raj, Paul Mohan (ed.) Mission Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Bangalore: Theological Book Trust.
- Bookless, Dave (2008), Planetwise: Dare to Care for God’s World, Nottingham: IVP
- Bookless, D. J. C. (2008), The Fifth Mark of Mission-Ecological Concern from a Praxis Perspective in Walls, Prof. A & Ross, Dr. C. Mission in the Twenty-first Century, London: Darton Longman and Todd
- Bookless, D. J. C. (2008), ‘The Land is Mine’ says the Lord-Practical ways Christian mission can address environmental justice, Mission Studies 25:1-16
- Bookless, Dave (2008), Introduction for The Green Bible, London: Harper Collins
- Bookless, D. J. C. (2007), Towards a Theology of Sustainability in Berry, Prof. R. J. (ed.) When Enough is Enough-A Christian Framework for Environmental Sustainability, Nottingham: Apollos
- Bookless, Dave & Larkin, Dr. Lucy (2006), Community and Environment, in ed. Ineson, E. and Edmonson, C. Created for Community, London: Darton, Longman and Todd