Mikael Stenmark is Head of Department and Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the Department of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden. In 1996 he received the John Templeton Foundation Prize for Outstanding Books and 1998 Uppsala University’s Oscar Prize.

His current research interests concern different theories about human nature developed in science and theology. These include the extent to which a dialogue between the sciences, theology and philosophy can lead to a better understanding of human nature; what contemporary biology can say about human nature; the extent to which post-modern thinking in the social sciences and the humanities challenges both a ‘scientific’ and a religious understanding of human nature and whether humans have a nature at all or are merely a social construction?

His key areas of interest are the religion-science dialogue, epistemology, philosophy of science, religious pluralism and environmental ethics. His interest in the science-religion field is primarily focused on issues about methodology/epistemology and on the relevance of biology for understanding human nature, religion and morality.

Recent publications include

  • Stenmark, Mikael, ‘A Religiously Partisan Science? Islamic and Christian Perspectives’, Theology and Science, 3 (2005):23-38.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, ‘A Counter-response on “A Religiously Partisan Science?”’ Theology and Science, 3 (2005):92-95.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, ‘Models of Science and Religion: Is there any Alternative to Ian Barbour’s Typology?’ Studies in Science and Theology, Vol. 10, ed. Hubert Mesinger et al. Lund University, 2005.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, ‘Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology: Darwinism and Religion’, Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Lindsay Jones. Vol 12, 2nd ed. New York: Thomson/Gale, 2005: 105-119.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, How to Relate Science and Religion: A Multidimensional Model, Eerdmans, 2004.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, ‘Should Religion Shape Science?’ Faith and Philosophy 21 (2004): 334-352.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, ‘Contemporary Darwinism and Religion’, Abigail Lustig, Robert Richards and Michael Ruse (eds.), Darwinian Heresies (Cambridge University Press, 2004).
  • Stenmark, Mikael, Environmental Ethics and Environmental Policy Making, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.
  • Stenmark, Mikael, Rationality in Science, Religion and Everyday Life. A Critical Evaluation of Four Models of Rationality, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995.

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