In 1999, after teaching in comprehensive schools and further education for seventeen years, Dr Taber took up the post of senior lecturer in science education at Homerton College, Cambridge, primarily supporting PGCE (post-graduate certificate in education) students preparing to be science teachers. In 2000-2001, he was seconded to the Royal Society of Chemistry to be the RSC Teacher fellow, to work on a project to support teachers in responding to student misconceptions in chemistry.
In 2001, Dr Taber returned to the University of Cambridge as a university teaching officer. Over the next few years he worked largely with PGCE students, in particular as the subject lecturer for physics education, and the coordinator for the KS2-3 (middle school) trainees specialising in science. He increasingly became involved in working with higher degree students, and for three years was the programme manager for the part-time PhD in education.
He is now Professor of Science Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. He has held management roles for master’s degrees (MPhil in Education, and MEd). He is a core member of the teaching team for the research council recognised doctoral training Educational Research course, teaching various aspects of research methodology. He supervises research student projects on aspects of teaching and learning in science.
Dr Taber is the author of many books, chapters, articles and research papers related to aspects of science education, and serves on editorial boards for a range of journals. Further details of his work can be found here .
Dr Taber is Consultant to LASAR (Learning about science and religion).