Prof. Dame Ingrid Allen is Professor Emeritus of Neuropathology at Queen’s University, Belfast, and honorary consultant to the NHS Belfast Trust. She works with the Molecular Virology Group at Queen’s on Paramyxoviruses and also does research on Multiple Sclerosis. She has also been a Visiting Professor at University of Ulster. From 1997 to 2001 was the Director of Research and Development for Health and Personal Social Services Northern Ireland. She was also a previous member of the IRTU Board, Medical Research Council and HEFCE Joint Medical Advisory Committee.
She has served as the Chair of Medical Advisory Panel of the Parkinson’s Disease Society and is a member of the board of the Association of Medical Research Charities, London. She is also a member of the European Committee on MS Research of the MS Society. She was the first head of the Regional Neuropathology Service for Northern Ireland.
Professor Allen is an elder in McCracken Memorial Presbyterian Church and converner of the Outreach Committee there. She is a member of Christians in Science, the Society of Ordained Scientists and the Thomas Merton Society.