Dr Stephen Law is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Heythrop College, University of London. He is editor of THINK, a journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. Dr Law was previously Junior Research Fellow at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford, where he obtained B.Phil and D.Phil degrees in Philosophy.
Dr Law is currently working on topics in the philosophy of religion, especially the evidential problem of evil and Plantinga’s Evolutionary Argument Against Natrualism. He also works in metaphysics, especially on natural kinds and necessity.
Recent Publications
- "Naturalism, Evolution and True Belief". Analysis, Jan 2012.
- "The Evil God Challenge", Religious Studies, 2009.
- "Plantinga’s Belief-Cum-Desire Argument Refuted", Religious Studies, 2010.
- "Miracles, Evidence, and The Existence of Jesus", Faith and Philosophy, 2011.