Dr Anabela Pinto is a Research Associate of The Faraday Institute with a background in Biology and Behavioural ecology. After completing her PhD in Psychology at the University of Aarhus (Denmark) she worked as a PostDoctoral research associate at the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford and later moved to the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, to work on online educational programmes in animal welfare. Later she moved to the Department of Biological Anthropology at the same University where she was a research associate working on primate conservation projects until 2010. She has lectured on critical thinking, animal behaviour, welfare and ethics, at Anglia Ruskin University, and the Universities of Chester, Roehampton and Cambridge and is a visiting lecturer at several Brazilian Universities. She worked as accreditation manager at the Association for Science Education.
In 2001, Anabela launched the very first online certificate in animal welfare, developed by her company, Cambridge e-Learning Institute (CEI), which aims to promote access to continuing professional education on science subjects not readily available to those not engaged with academia.
Presently she is the managing Director of CEI, and working with a group of Brazilian colleagues to set up the Instituto Thoth, a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion of continuing education for professionals working in science.
She is currently writing a book about the evolution of the adaptive value of belief from animals to Man.