CRE International, London 2016 ExCeL, London 17-20 May 2016
We are delighted to be hosting a stand and presenting two seminars at this year’s Christian Resources Exhibition in London. Christian Resources Exhibitions (CRE) is one of the most ecumenical events in the Christian calendar. There is no other exhibition in Europe that features so many organisations from such a broad church. Nowhere else can church leaders experience such a broad range of resources under one roof. In addition, CRE provides inspiration, teaching and encouragement through a programme of seminars and arts performances. This year The Faraday Institute will have a stand for the four days, where visitors can access a wide range of resources and chat or discuss through various topics relating to science and religion. We are also please to be presenting the following seminars:
Tuesday 17th May Science and faith Has science disproved God? Should Christians avoid science? How can we reach non-believers who are convinced that religion has no place in a scientific world? Explore an approach with a positive attitude to the interactions of science and Christianity. Lizzie Coyle, The Faraday Institute Wednesday 18th May Wonders of the living world: Biology and belief Step past the usual debates about science and faith, and instead celebrate creation, appreciate its intricacies and fruitfulness, and learn how science can hint at questions of meaning and purpose that go beyond science.
Dr Ruth Bancewicz, The Faraday Institute
Find out more at Or email Eleanor Puttock for a discounted ticket (limited availability)