Jan 7-9, 2015

St Edmund's College

Aim of Course

This course aims to introduce delegates to a wide range of science and religion issues, with a particular focus on their relevance in the context of the local church.  The course forms one of the ‘January Intensives’ for students of the Cambridge Theological Federation, but a limited number of additional places are available for church leaders (lay or ordained) and theological students from outside Cambridge. Topics to be covered include: evolution and creation; God and cosmology; neuroscience and personhood, Christian responses to environmental issues. Scientific and theological background will be given, plus practical and pastoral application and examples of imaginative church resources.  There will be plenty of opportunity for group work and discussion. Lectures will be in the Garden Room, St Edmund’s College, with lunches at nearby Westminster College. Accommodation for those from outside Cambridge will be provided in one of these Colleges or a suitable alternative.

Speakers (listed in alphabetical order) and topics

  • Dr Ruth Bancewicz : Worshipping God with Science
  • Revd Prof. Alasdair Coles : Neuroscience and Parish Ministry
  • Revd Prof. Alasdair Coles : Mind, Brain and the Search for God
  • Keith Fox : Creation or Evolution – do we have to choose?
  • Revd Dr Rodney Holder : Introducing the Science and Religion Dialogue
  • Revd Dr Rodney Holder : Is the Universe Designed?
  • Dr Hilary Marlow : The Bible, Creation and Science
  • Dr Hilary Marlow : Who are We? Biblical and theological perspectives on what it means to be human
  • Dr Ruth Valerio : Care for Creation: Why bother?


The Garden Room is on the ground floor of the Library Building which is located in the far left-hand corner as you enter the College grounds. The free buffet lunch is served there.

Course Schedule

Wednesday January 7
9.15 am Welcome/Introduction
9.30 am Revd Dr Rodney Holder: An Introduction to the Science and Religion Dialogue
10.15 am Group discussion and questions
11.00 am Coffee Break
11.30 am Revd Dr Rodney Holder: Is the Universe Designed?
12.15 pm Group discussion and questions
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Revd Prof. Alasdair Coles: Mind, Brain and the Search for God
2.45 pm Group discussion and questions
3.30 pm Tea Break
4.00 pm Any Questions?
4.30 pm Finish for the Day

Thursday January 8

9.15 am Dr Hilary Marlow: Who Are We? Biblical and theological perspectives on what it means to be human
10.00 am Group discussion and questions
10.45 am Coffee Break
11.15 am Dr Hilary Marlow: The Bible, Creation and Science
12.00 pm Group discussion and questions
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Dr Ruth Bancewicz: Worshipping God with Science
2.45 pm Group discussion and questions
3.30 pm Tea Break
4.00 pm Any Questions?
4.30 pm Finish for the Day

Friday January 9

9.15 am Dr Ruth Valerio: Care for Creation – why bother?
10.00 am Group discussion and questions
10.45 am Coffee Break
11.15 am Prof. Keith Fox: Creation or Evolution – do we have to choose?
12.00 pm Group discussion and questions
1.00 pm Lunch