What does it mean to be human? What is the significance of human life on planet earth? How do science and faith perspectives on such questions relate to each other? How have these perspectives changed through history to the present day? These questions underlie the theme of this year’s Faraday Institute Summer Course which will bring together insights from science, philosophy and theology on a broad range of topics including artificial intelligence, cosmology, medicine and physics, and touching on themes of beauty, freedom, suffering and truth.
This course is aimed at University students or graduates from any background. No formal training in science, philosophy or theology is assumed. Although many of the speakers have a personal Christian faith, the talks are intended for those of all faiths or none.
For further details, and to ensure a place on The Faraday Institute Summer Course 2022 in person or online, please visit our main registration page here.
Standard costs are as follows:
In person rates: £750 for regular attendees or £475 for full-time students.
Special rate B&B single accommodation for 5 nights: £250
Online-only rates: £150 for regular attendees, £75 for full-time students.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
For those who are committed to engage fully with this course but are unable to afford the regular or student registration rates above, we aim to provide a small number of highly subsidised scholarship places by competitive application, details below.
Scholarships for in-person attendance
- In-person scholarship registration rate: £275 (includes attendance at all lectures as well as lunches, dinners and refreshments during the course).
- A deposit of £75 is required at application, deadline 6th June. (Applications will close earlier if demand is very high. Apply early to avoid disappointment.)
- Successful applicants will be notified and asked to pay the remainder of the registration fee (i.e. £200) within 7 days to secure their place.
- Applicants who are unsuccessful in obtaining an in-person place will be offered an online place at the student rate of £75 (covered by the deposit).
Notes: Please note that the scholarship provides only a reduced registration fee. Single B&B accommodation for 5 nights at the course venue can be booked separately at the special price of £250, as for other attendees. Attendees remain fully responsible for their own travel, accommodation, insurance and incidental costs. We are unable to provide letters for visa purposes.
Scholarships for online-only attendance
In the case of genuine financial hardship and/or those from low-cost-of-living countries, subsidised scholarship places for online-only attendance are provided at three price levels:
£50 (e.g. low-income early career professional, post-doc or part-time student)
£25 (e.g. low-income full-time student or unwaged)
£10 (strictly for low-cost-of-living countries only)
Payment is required at application. Applicants will be judged in competition on both merit and need. Successful applicants will be notified. Unsuccessful applicants will be refunded in full. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until places are filled. Apply early to avoid disappointment.
NOTE: Faraday scholarships and bursaries are awarded by open competition. The application procedure requires the submission of sufficient information to make assessment equitable. The Faraday Institute emphasises that it cannot engage in any discussion or correspondence about why a scholarship or bursary application is unsuccessful.
How to apply
To apply for a Faraday Scholarship place (in person or online) you need to:
- Fill in the application form below and submit online with the required payment (no additional registration is required).
If you have any questions regarding scholarships please contact admin@faraday.cam.ac.uk